Greeley is the 5th-ranked city in the whole country for one year appreciation. This is according to the Federal Housing Finance Authority’s most recent quarterly report. They track close to 300 markets all over the U.S.
For the first time in a long time, the Fort Collins/Loveland market did not make the top 20 list- they came in ranked 76th.
Greeley’s appreciation over the last year was 12.63% and Fort Collins/Loveland’s was 7.98%.
Who was first? Boise, Idaho with 15.25%.
Who was last? Peoria, Illinois whose prices fell 1.26%.
What about other Colorado cities?
- Colorado Springs – 14th @ 11.65%
- Grand Junction – 16th @ 11.47%
- Denver – 28th @ 10.18%
- Boulder – 68th @ 8.25%
Overall, prices in the U.S. increased by an average of 6.9%. A couple of interesting side notes- a minimum of 11% was required to make the top-20, and 18 of the top 20 are in the Western U.S.
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