Fort Collins Real Estate

Blog Remember When… With lots of focus on the presidential election it got us thinking about the last time we were getting ready to elect the leader of the free world. Do you remember what you were doing in 2012? Back when Barack Obama and Mitt Romney were the candidates… Do you remember what the real estate market […]
Blog Signs of Slowing It's not just temperatures cooling off as we transition from summer to fall, there are signs that the market is cooling as well. The numbers are in and both Loveland and Fort Collins had their slowest August in several years. Loveland had 127 single family home sales last month. This is 16% lower than August […]
Blog August Housing Report Low housing supply continues to be the headline for the current market conditions.  Curious to see the full picture of what the Real Estate Market in Northern Colorado did last month?  Click HERE to get the full report.
Blog Colorado’s Home Appreciation With the Olympics stoking the spirit of competition, we took at look at how Colorado stacks up against the other states when it comes to real estate prices. Our impartial judge for the competition is the Federal Housing Finance Authority who tracks close to 300 real estate markets all over the country. For this competition we are […]
Blog The Estes Park Mountain Market With fall right around the corner many of us will be trekking up to Estes Park to see the Aspen leaves turning. As you drive through Estes you may wonder "how's the mountain market?" Here are some fun facts about real estate in Estes Park. The average price today is $394,046 – not that different than […]
Blog Door Opens for Buyers After a very active (to say the least) spring and summer, the door has now opened for buyers in our market. Buyers who were frustrated during the first half of the year with low inventory and bidding wars now realize a better environment. It's time to step off the sidelines and take a fresh look […]
Blog Seasonal Slowdown August marks the end of the busy real estate selling season and the beginning of the traditional seasonal slowdown in our market. The four months of April, May, June and July tend to produce 45% of the year's total sales. This is based on looking back at 5 years of data. If 2016 holds true […]
Blog Versus Boulder When it comes to real estate, many say that Fort Collins is the "next Boulder." Let's look at the 2016 numbers* and do a little side-by-side of Fort Collins versus Boulder. The Fort Collins average price is less than half of Boulder's ($355,000 versus $890,000) Fort Collins has 4 times as many transactions (1,108 versus […]
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